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To achieve positive energy balance, PEDs minimise their energy needs with energy efficiency measures and cover the remaining energy consumption with locally sourced renewables. PEDs rely on smart planning and control measures to optimise how energy is produced, consumed, stored and transferred within district boundaries and beyond. PEDs are therefore not isolated neighbourhood islands but are interconnected, multi-functional areas embedded into a wider energy system. Although PEDs focus on energy, ultimately they are about ensuring wellbeing and sustainability through an ambitious district transformation.


Locally produced renewable energy contributes to the positive energy balance

Energy is produced close to consumption to better manage load levels

Renovation measures ensure high level of energy efficiency in the building stock

E-vehicles can adjust charging or return energy to the grid to optimise the supply of local renewable energy


BIPED activities target the Brabrand district of Aarhus, with a focus on the Gellerup neighbourhodd in the district's east.


To achieve positive energy balance, PEDs minimise their energy needs with energy efficiency measures and cover the remaining energy consumption with locally sourced renewables. PEDs rely on smart planning and control measures to optimise how energy is produced, consumed, stored and transferred within district boundaries and beyond. PEDs are therefore not isolated neighbourhood islands but are interconnected, multi-functional areas embedded into a wider energy system. Although PEDs focus on energy, ultimately they are about ensuring wellbeing and sustainability through an ambitious district transformation.

Brabrand and Gellerup


BIPED activities target the Brabrand district of Aarhus, with a focus on the Gellerup neighbourhodd in the district's east.




Heterogeneous data sources are seamlessly integrated to represent PED's complexity in a digital twin.


New MIMs ensure that the necessary technical requirements are met to provide efficient, scalable data-driven services. The use of European standards for data spaces will enable low-level models to inform higher-level aggregated city models employed in urban planning.


Open technical specifications and guidance allow cities to replicate and scale the BIPED solution to drive the decarbonisation agenda, especially when it comes to designing and implementing green investment plans necessary to achieve climate-neutrality by 2030.


Urban communities have the capacity co-create  and achieve sustainable futures. The PED community will take shape as a district living lab with innovative collaboration and empowerment of all stakeholders.


Cross-domain simulations cover energy, transport, natural and built environment, economic activities and social affairs.


ML and AI algorithms enable the self-learning system to optimse energy use for efficient automation of load management in PEDs.


Operational decisions are driven by evidence of what works best, which in turn informs long-term policy planning.

  • Locally produced renewable energy contributes to the positive energy balance

  • Renovation measures ensure high level of energy efficiency in the building stock

  • E-vehicles can adjust charging or return energy to the grid to optimise the supply of local renewable energy

  • Energy is produced close to consumption to better manage load levels



BIPED demonstrator will be multi-layered, connecting different districts and areas within Aarhus (Brabrand, Gellerup). With the digital twin, different features found in the urban fabric of these areas will be explored holistically (environmentally, socially, economically) to understand their impact on PED development.

Multi-scale connection 

The solution will provide a virtual urban space to simulate and model real-time data and scenarios across different spatiotemporal levels, with results feeding into governance arrangements geared towards four policy priorities on a local and national level.

Virtual policy prototyping

How to offset indirect emissions outside of Aarhus' direct control?

Aarhus climate strategy
7 vilde problemer

How to solve issues such as climate change, ageing, social integration?

Aarhus smart strategy

How to realise the concept of smart city with all citizens on board?

DK strategy for digitalisation

How to realise this strategy for the public sector by 2025? 

After the initial deployment in Aarhus, Denmark, BIPED tools and results will be offered to interested adopters across Europe, with a special focus on actors in the climate neutral cities network.

For Aarhus and beyond
Powered by digital twins

At the core of our solution lies the advanced digital twin technology complete with AI-driven optimisation tools for better urban planning.

The use of standards, and in particular MIMs (Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms) will be a key enabler of cross-border integration, as well as between domains and systems.