consortium expertise

BIPED is a pan-European initiative of 13 organisations that joined forces to support Aarhus and other cities in their transition to net zero.
Led by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the consortium brings together academia, SMEs, city administration, international network, association and consultancy to develop a robust transdisciplinary solution for local climate needs. The main focus is on Aarhus, however the solution is designed with a wider replicability in mind. Our vision is to inspire all cities in Europe, big and small, to accelerate climate neutrality through an ambitious district transformation.
Many hands are working on BIPED. With expertise in energy, mobility, digital twins, data science, ICTs, social innovation, monitoring and evaluation we have everything we need to make the project a success.
Positive Energy Districts
The City of Aarhus, Denmark, is an internationally renowed smart city with the ambition to create cheaper, better and more sustainable solutions that benefit citizens. It has an existing collaborative network between the municipality, public, companies and knowledge institutions that can be leveraged for the innovation work in BIPED. The city has a Climate Contract, actions and targets that it wishes to evaluate and come up with pathways to energy transition.
The BIPED pilot will be supported by the Center Denmark (CDK), a non-profit that provides digital infrastructure to players in the country's energy sector. Since 2023, CDK is jointly responsible for the day-to-day running and development of ‘The Energy and CO2 Accounting for Municipalities' tool. Owned by the Danish Energy Agency, it helps Danish municipalities and regions plan their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and improve clean energy production.
DTU will bring extensive research experience working on PED issues. Recently, DTU has suggested new methods for forecasting and digital twin modelling using spatio-temporal hierarchies of the decentralised information arranged in data spaces. These methodologies have proven to lead to significant improvements in PED performance in many case studies across Europe.
KPMG will use its vast knowledge in environmental and social governance to help ensure that energy transition is green and just. Contributing to this objective will be Open & Agile Smart Cities. The international smart cities network headquartered in Belgium will ensure user needs are reflected throughout the project through its engagement and management of a stakeholder forum.
Digital twins
BIPED's digital twin technology will take advantage of the cutting-edge 3D city models and simulation capabilities provided by Virtual City Systems, while the actual platform will be managed by Daten-Kompetenzzentrum Städte und Regionen. The open-source platform allows urban data to be integrated, linked, and applied as needed to address challenges in various areas of urban design – whether it's more efficient traffic control, more environmentally sensitive building management, or more disability-friendly mobility services.
OASC which coordinates the EU Data Space on Smart Cities and Communities and co-chairs the EU Task Group on Local Digital Twins, and leads the EU and global (UN ITU) standardisation efforts on MIMs, will be instrumental in ensuring the replicability of the final solution and its dissemination to an international network of cities.
The Austrian Institute of Technology, a research organisation part owned by the Federal Ministry for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy and Mobility Innovation and technology, will introduce novel parameters to the digital twin models to better capture the multi-dimensional nature of urban environment in the Aarhus testbeds.
Traffic modelling
The trio leading this work includes 1) Road Twin, a Czech start-up which provides state-of-the-art solutions for web-based traffic modelling in cities and regions; 2) University of West Bohemia which specialises in predictive cross-domain simulations involving traffic, air quality, and noise pollution; and 3) InnoConnect, also from the Czech Republic, which builds custom dashboards and map applications using open source geospatial technologies and big data from IoT networks.

Legal compliance
Utrisque is a law firm that delivered widely acknowledged legal and ethics guides for cities in the DUET Digital Twin project. The company will ensure legal and privacy compliance in BIPED, particularly when it comes to the use of personal data in digital twins.
Digital Resilience Institute is an association with nearly 20 years of experience providing project management, science communication, training, and research services to a wide spectrum of organisations, from local authorities to UN agencies. In BIPED they will be helping DTU with the day-to-day management of the project while also implementing the comms strategy.
BIPED is a pan-European initiative of 13 organisations that joined forces to support Aarhus and other cities in their transition to net zero.
Led by the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the consortium brings together academia, SMEs, city administration, international network, association and consultancy to develop a robust transdisciplinary solution for local climate needs. The main focus is on Aarhus, however the solution is designed with a wider replicability in mind. Our vision is to inspire all cities in Europe, big and small, to accelerate climate neutrality through an ambitious district transformation.
Many hands are working on BIPED. With expertise in energy, mobility, digital twins, data science, ICTs, social innovation, monitoring and evaluation we have everything we need to make the project a success.
Positive Energy Districts
The City of Aarhus, Denmark, is an internationally renowed smart city with the ambition to create cheaper, better and more sustainable solutions that benefit citizens. It has an existing collaborative network between the municipality, public, companies and knowledge institutions that can be leveraged for the innovation work in BIPED. The city has a Climate Contract, actions and targets that it wishes to evaluate and come up with pathways to energy transition.
The BIPED pilot will be supported by the Center Denmark (CDK), a non-profit that provides digital infrastructure to players in the country's energy sector. Since 2023, CDK is jointly responsible for the day-to-day running and development of ‘The Energy and CO2 Accounting for Municipalities' tool. Owned by the Danish Energy Agency, it helps Danish municipalities and regions plan their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and improve clean energy production.
DTU will bring extensive research experience working on PED issues. Recently, DTU has suggested new methods for forecasting and digital twin modelling using spatio-temporal hierarchies of the decentralised information arranged in data spaces. These methodologies have proven to lead to significant improvements in PED performance in many case studies across Europe.
KPMG will use its vast knowledge in environmental and social governance to help ensure that energy transition is green and just. Contributing to this objective will be Open & Agile Smart Cities. The international smart cities network headquartered in Belgium will ensure user needs are reflected throughout the project through its engagement and management of a stakeholder forum.
Traffic modelling
The trio leading this work includes 1) Road Twin, a Czech start-up which provides state-of-the-art solutions for web-based traffic modelling in cities and regions; 2) University of West Bohemia which specialises in predictive cross-domain simulations involving traffic, air quality, and noise pollution; and 3) InnoConnect, also from the Czech Republic, which builds custom dashboards and map applications using open source geospatial technologies and big data from IoT networks.
Legal compliance
Utrisque is a law firm that delivered widely acknowledged legal and ethics guides for cities in the DUET Digital Twin project. The company will ensure legal and privacy compliance in BIPED, particularly when it comes to the use of personal data in digital twins.
Digital Resilience Institute is an association with nearly 20 years of experience providing project management, science communication, training, and research services to a wide spectrum of organisations, from local authorities to UN agencies. In BIPED they will be helping DTU with the day-to-day management of the project while also implementing the comms strategy.

BIPED is funded under the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. Grant ID: 101139060

BIPED is funded under the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. Grant ID: 101139060
© BIPED 2024

BIPED is funded under the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. Grant ID: 101139060