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Smart-Energy Operating System

Smart-Energy Operating System (OS) provides a framework for efficient implementation of the future energy system that is low-carbon and weather-driven, through digitalisation and demand response (DR) mechanisms.

Demand response

Energy production from renewable sources is uncertain and fluctuating. This variability needs to be mitigated by a power system that guarantees overall stability regardless of weather conditions. DR provides flexibility necessary for an efficient and low-cost integration of variable renewables. The Smart-Energy OS concept provides DR-based solutions to facilitate reliability of grids with an increasing renewable power penetration. 

A power system that implements DR mechanisms via prices or monetary incentives can take advantage of consumers’ flexibility by incentivising them to use energy when supply is abundant or demand is low. This way, the energy system can transition from the model practiced today, where supply follows demand, to the future model where demand follows supply.

Distributed energy resource aggregation

To manage such a power system, the Smart-Energy OS framework introduces the Aggregator for distributed energy resources, or DERs (Figure 1). The Aggregator oversees production and consumption of linked DERs by broadcasting real-time pricing.

Smart Energy Operating System

Figure 1. Smart-Energy OS framework

DERs are small generation units operated by energy consumers. They range from rooftop photovoltaics to biomass generators to batteries in electric vehicles. Their rapid expansion is poised to change how electricity is generated and exchanged within a grid. 

The Aggregator is responsible for representing DERs towards transmission and distribution system operators (TSO and DSO), so that DERs can provide valuable services at scale, including voltage control, load balancing, and reserves.

Individually, DERs cannot shift enough energy load to bid on the electricity market. But thanks to the Aggregator, DERs can be represented in the entire transmission area on the balancing market. Through the balance responsible party (BRP), Aggregators can connect DERs with grid operators. The objective is to use the flexibility provided by the Aggregator’s portfolio to integrate a large share of renewable energy into the grid and in this way support the needs of TSOs and DSOs.

Flexibility Function

Smart-Energy OS connects local flexibility with conventional markets by introducing the Flexibility Function. FF provides a bridge for exchanging information between DERs (like residential homes) and grid operators. It establishes a connection between a) low-level physics and devices equipped with IoT sensors and b) high-level energy markets operating on a large scale. 

A spectrum of all relevant spatial aggregation levels (building, district, city, region, country etc.) is considered in a Smart-Energy OS (Figure 2), which allows the framework to be used for sector coupling and hybrid energy systems in energy communities; an example being buildings and communities with both district heating and heat pumps. 

Aggregation scales in Smart Energy Operating System

Figure 2. Aggregation scales in Smart-Energy OS

The intention of Smart-Energy OS is not to replace existing market mechanisms, where end users bid in appropriate markets (intra-day or day-ahead), but to foster energy flexibility, including by supporting innovation in local flexibility markets, district heating, positive energy districts, and local energy communities. 

To this end, FF-based Smart-Energy OS adopts MIMs (Minimal Interoperability Mechanisms) to create a trusted data-sharing space for providing value-added services like forecasting and control. MIMs-compliant standardisation ensures that forecasts of, say, solar power generation are coherent across all relevant spatio-temporal levels.


In Smart-Energy OS, multi-scale connections are established without compromising individual rights. The framework ensures that residential buildings, for instance, can provide DR services to the grid in a way that doesn’t jeopardise privacy or security. There is a strong focus on empowerment, too. Conditions are created so that users in industry and residential areas can focus on things that matter the most - like energy efficiency and flexibility - without being distracted by the administrative burden, technical requirements, hidden charges, or murky terms and conditions.

Use cases

Smart-Energy OS has been used to implement flexible smart-grid enabled solutions for heat pumps, wastewater treatment plants, supermarkets, HVAC systems and indoor comfort as part of the CITIES project

It is currently used in the central data hub of Center Denmark, a platform providing access to energy-related data for Danish municipalities and other stakeholders. 

In Copenhagen, the district heating operator VEKS is considering using the Smart-Energy OS framework for dynamic pricing.

And in Aarhus, there is the potential to use the framework for dynamic pricing as well, plus for dynamic transformer rating and peak shaving.

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BIPED is funded under the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. Grant ID: 101139060

BIPED is funded under the EU Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme. Grant ID: 101139060

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