Building a Local Digital Twin for a Positive Energy District (LDT4PED) requires more than a technical effort. An LDT4PED is also an exercise in community building.
A prototype of a Local Digital Twin for a Positive Energy District in Aarhus
Competences needed to build the solution are distributed among stakeholders across different sectors and governance levels. The art of creating an LDT4PED that works and delivers for the community it was designed to serve, lies in the ability to mobilise diverse groups to work toward a common cause.
The engagement approach followed by BIPED ensures that everyone who can support and benefit from the project are involved at the right time to make the project a success.
On 26 September 2024, we held our first workshop with Aarhus policy makers to share our vision and, more importantly, understand how LDT4PED can be finetuned to support their work on energy transition.
Future sessions will be organised with energy communities, housing associations, utilities, and business enterprises to build a truly multi-stakeholder forum for LDT4PED development - as foreseen in our stakeholder engagement guide.